We finally have a functioning laundry room! Hallelujah! The past 6 weeks have been ROUGH.
The laundry room was not on our initial "To Do" list, but when we hooked up the washer and noticed that the cold water knob leaked (or more like gushed), it jumped to the top. We were able to jerry-rig a system for a few loads of laundry, but it was not a feasible long-term solution.
Insert Dad to the rescue! He and Mom (and their old friend, Brian) came to CoMo for the day to re-plumb the laundry room. A few hours (and 4 trips to Westlakes, 2 to Home Depot, and 1 to Lowes) later, we finally had the washer up and running. The day started off a little slow when we had to track down the main water shut-off valve. It turns out that previous owner had dry-walled over the valve, but luckily we were able to find it on the first try and only had to cut one hole in the wall.
Once we actually got down to business in the laundry room we replaced all of the copper pipes, and moved the sink over so the washer and dryer could sit side by side. The laundry room is by no means finished...we still want to paint and add some shelves, but it's a step in the right direction!
While Dad, Brian, and I worked on the laundry room, Mom was outside cleaning up the backyard. She made a major dent in the yard work, tearing out a row of unruly rose bushes and pulling weeds. The roses put up a heck of a fight, but Mom won the war. We can't wait for the ground to soften (come on rain!) and the temperatures to cool off so we can really get to work on the yard.
There's still plenty to do on the house, but we're taking baby steps. Baby steps...